Pinkorange meets..
Tjade Bouma

How do you express your creativity?

I am an art director and graphic designer, with a particular interest in the combination between text and images. I focus on projects where photography is leading, like magazines, exhibitions and books about photography. Photography is kind of liberating for me, especially the feeling of creating something new when you don’t have any idea beforehand.  

What is your main source of inspiration?

Mainly magazines, I devour them. I love magazines like Apartamento and Fantastic Man. The combination of the right images and a good story is what makes them strong. 

How was your time on the island?

We had a magical time. On the ferry you instantly have a feeling of entering a different world. I think it also was a magical experience because I never knew the Netherlands was this pretty. I’m not often in nature, but I cherish the time on the island. It is a perfect place to reflect on life. 

Tjade created the visual identity of Pinkorange. See Tjade's work

- Tjade Bouma